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Flying with the Gods

The litany of timely checklists done, 

I throttle up and start the take-off run.

Be mindful now, here comes the magic part

This flying thing’s half science and half art.


What motivates the flyer to the sky?

You need to ask? You’ll never get the ‘why’.

An intuition, or your DNA

There is no choice, you’re simply built that way


No flight from worldly problems, this

Nor “soaring free” above some “great abyss”

It’s more a pilgrim’s journey, more a quest

A visit to the place I love the best


A place where no two sorties are the same 

Where hazards lie in wait and must be tamed

Where beauty co-exists with heartless fate

Where arrogance repents, but it’s too late


We bargain with the Gods each time we go

Our knowledge, method, practise make it so

If we abide by what they deem is right

They’ll ride with us on every single flight


And now we climb away, adventure-bound

Alive, alert, attuned to every sound

What vistas wait, how is the sky today?

We watch, we scan, we look along our way

Today the sun is veiled behind a screen 

Its rheumy eye surveys a silvered scene

A narrow blue horizon peeps below

A faint reflection sets the sea aglow


And here I sit, still mindfully aware

By privilege, not right, that I am there

And knowing too that when I fly next time 

A whole new deal will yield a different rhyme. 

Pointy Poems, Poems with a point
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