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Simple Soup

In our case it was his idea to go

Are Salt Beef Bars OK? I wouldn’t know

I take my Dad’s advice on what is good

Salt beef on rye with dill (of course you would)


And, while we eat, in comes another pair

The father-son dynamic’s different there

His Dad is slow, reluctant, seems in pain

“Do you want soup or not?” son asks again


“Well, that depends,” the father’s tone severe,

“What kind of soup? Do they do good soup here?”

The son’s impatience barely masked, he sighs

He fiddles with the menu, rolls his eyes


“Look, Dad, you either want some soup or you don’t want some soup, 





And in the silent wake of this display

I struggle to contain the urge to say 

“There’s more at stake than soup here, I can see

So soup is not that simple, I agree


“But do you have to give each other grief?

It’s not about the soup or salted beef

You meet, chill out, relax and get along

You’re there to see the singer, not the song


“Go out, come in again and this time try

(Of course you should) salt beef with dill on rye

You like or don’t like beef, why should you care?

It’s more about the time you came to share

Pointy Poems, Poems with a point
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